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Voter Registration

Ask friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers if they are registered to vote.

If not, offer to take them to the Board of Elections to register.

​Motivate Voters!

Some may say, "I don't have children in school. Why should I vote?"  

Our local economy depends upon the quality of education students receive. Industry locates in areas where schools are strong. This provides jobs for locals and they spend their wages in our community!

​Volunteer and Share

We need help with all aspects of the campaign! 


Sign up to be part of the team on the Volunteer page and encourage your friends to vote for Terri Sessoms for the Johnston County Board of Education.

​Remind Voters - Children!

Well educated children lead adult lives with more prosperity (local economy) and become responsible citizens.


There is as strong correlation between elementary reading levels and incarceration. States use 3rd grade reading scores to determine funding needed for prison construction. 

Drive Folks to the Polls!

​Make a celebration out of voting day! Be sure to find out who needs transportation! Get them to the polls! 


Caravan with family and friends to get everyone out to vote!


Campaign materials and advertising cost money!


Use the Donate button at the top of the webpage to contribute. This is a secure PayPal site. ​

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